Thursday, March 24, 2011


So here is the thing. I really hate being judged. Of course as human beings I think it's almost natural for us to judge others, some people are better about not doing it than others. I try really hard not to judge, especially those that I don't know. Being judged as a parent is almost as bad as being judged in like, middle school. You know how in middle school you want so badly just to "fit in" with everyone? it's that age where you still are young enough to want to please your parents (and excuse me, but parents I think are very judgemental, and rightfully so), but you also so badly want to please the "cool kids"? Well being a parent of a toddler I'm not at all trying to please anyone, but I feel the same hot-cheek feeling of everyone who has an opinion about what I'm doing as I did in middle school. "he's hungry", "it's too cold", "he shouldn't play with that", "he shouldn't eat this or that or the other", "why isn't he talking more?", "he talks too much", "he isn't using a utensil diligently at every single meal, for every single bite???". You get the gist. So frustrating. I try really hard not to butt into anyone else's parenting style, unless I am asked or if the child is in danger. It is so not my place to judge someone else, especially since I can barely figure out how to be a mommy to my one little monster that hasn't even hit the terrible 2's yet. (or maybe he has, temperament wise, not age wise). You'd be amazed at how many people, most of whom I don't even know, have something to say! Like in the grocery store, the lady that sees him fussing for 2 seconds and says, "oh, he needs a nap!". Please. He doesn't want to be sitting in the lame ass cart anymore lady. Ok. rant over. Thank you and come again.

1 comment:

  1. The checkout line is the worst!
    You're always stuck in between people who are OBVIOUSLY such better parents than you. My first time taking Kiley to a grocery store she started fussing in the checkout and the lady behind me was like "oh it's okay I'd be sad if my mom made me wear a big stupid flower on my head too." I looked at her in total shock and disgust and all I could think of to say was "She's hungry."
    To this day I will randomly think of what I should have said that time in the checkout line. GRRRRRR
