Saturday, August 13, 2011

a Branson update

I feel like since Keenan arrived Branson has doubled his vocabulary. He repeats super cute things like, "awesome" (sounds like "awe yum!), "epic", "dude" and more. He is also learning to count, 1 2 3. He has known his colors for a long time, and now identifies everything he can that has a color - Blue sky, red/green apple, purple crayon and so on. he knows probably every animal and their sound, as wells as anything with wheels. He is identifying people outside the family now, not just grandma and grandpa but Mary, Laura, and whoever else we introduce him to. One of the cutest things he just started doing is yelling for Ryan or Keenan. Maybe he got it from me... The other day he grabbed Ryan's face (gently) and yelled "Ryyyyyyyan!" and then gave him a kiss. It melted my heart. And whenever he wants to see his "bubba" he yells "Keeeenan!" down the hallway. I mean. He is only 21 months and the kid speaks better than most 3 year olds I know. And no, I'm not bias at all so don't even go there. He also likes to love on his baby sister. He pushes up my shirt to grab and kiss my belly saying "hi baby". Sweet, sweet boy.

We are still battling most dinner times. Usually he just is too busy to eat. or he thinks he doesn't like something, and then the next day when I'm eating left overs for lunch he helps me finish it. I've taken to sneaking veggies in his smoothies, quesadillas, and mac n cheese. But he is always only offered one dinner with the rest of the family. He really only has an honest aversion to Mexican food. Which is strange, considering we all love it. But he does like things like Thai food, sushi, and quinoa. Pretty amazing, this kid.

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