Monday, March 24, 2014


So it's been quite a while since I've written.  Seems like life just…happens.  Cliche, I know.  We have been very busy and good over here in Peel World.  Here are just a few tid-bits for you to chew on until my next update (hopefully not 5 months away!)

RYAN - Have I mentioned before he likes to run?  Well he does and he's getting good.  Like really good.  He ran a 50K in Sac a few weeks ago, and smashed it.  He placed 64th out of 1200 people.  In fact we barely made it into town to see him cross the finish line!  He is strong both mentally and physically, and I couldn't be more proud of him.  On top of all that running, he still finds time everyday to be a business owner, a husband, and most importantly a Daddy.  Love that man.

KEENAN - he was just here for spring break.  He was only here for 5 short days, and we enjoyed his company immensely.  He has grown, towering over me by far now.  And he is funny and kind.  We miss him when he isn't here, but always look forward to his return :) We will probably be planning a trip or two to visit him in St. Louis in the next year, before he graduations next summer (CRAZY!)

BRANSON - my 4 year old is growing like a weed.  He is tall and lean with lots of strength and attitude :) he and Noa both just recently started a school skills program and are both doing great.  Branson is so brilliant academically, sometimes it's hard for me to remember he is only 4.  He is swimming like a fish, and in love with all the AVENGERS.  I never thought I'd find myself being interested in Spiderman or Captain America, (Iron Man is a given, he's cute), but alas I am.

GENOA - my sweet, sweet girl is still sweet with a streak of sassy pants-ness.  The girl is independent in every sense of the word.  I love it and it makes me sad.  There are no more babies in the Peel house.  She is climbing, singing, dancing and yoga-ing everywhere she goes. And usually in her tutu and leg warmers that she picked out that morning.  She is really athletic, and I really need to get it together and put her in dance or gymnastics.  (GET IT TOGETHER MOM!)

ME - as usual I am chasing everyone else around trying to keep up.  And I couldn't be happier doing it. My main focus has been transitioning the whole family to our Paleo Friendly lifestyle.  Next month marks month 6 for Ryan and I being on it, and I will write a whole entry about our journey then, but I just love talking about it.  It has been such a positive thing in our lives, and we all feel (and look!) better.  I have a new blog that is dedicated mostly to Paleo/Primal recipes, so in case you love food pictures and posts and much as I do, check it out.

thats all for now!


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