Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Insane Summer continues...

Keenan has gone back to Missouri, a sad thing for us. He brings so much joy to this house, he is so funny and so sweet with Branson. I am truly blessed in the step-child department.

This summer was/has been such a whirlwind of craziness. We have not stopped for more than 6 seconds, at all. Everyday was filled with vacation, travel, shuffling kids to/from the water park, mini golf, guitar store, grandma's...I mean you name it. I didn't realize just how tired I was until I was able to sit down for more than 10 minutes at once. I almost couldn't get up. I think I had a little bit of a moment and emotional let down. I cannot and will not have another summer this crazy. It was fun though, but way. too. tiring.

Branson is finally in his own room; a bittersweet thing. That room has been waiting for him for a long time, and it is SO adorable all put together. He loves being in there too, which is what really counts. Ryan and I get to have our bedroom back. This is going to take a lot of adjusting. This means we can watch TV after 7 pm if we want, we can talk in normal voices, and I won't be snapping, "please be quiet!" or "don't you dare wake that baby up!" or "stop moving you're being loud!" (my poor husband, right?). On the down side, 2-3 times a night, I actually have to get up, turn on a light or 2 and make the oh-so-long trek across the house to my baby's room to nurse. No more pulling him into bed and falling back asleep. *Side note: Dear God, please let Branson start sleeping through the night soon. Love, Me.*

Branson has also had 3 teeth cut through the last week. Poor guy! he is looking mighty cute though, and boy can he chew anything you put in front of him! This Saturday he is being Baptised. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person involved that is nervous for the thing. I am not religious at all. Let me be clear: I believe in a higher power (call it God, if you want) but I do not believe in organized religion. I respect it, but it's not for me. At all. So, I'm totally terrified that I am going to mess up my child's one and only chance to be "rid of all original sin and enter into Heaven". I mean really??????? That is quite a weight on one's shoulder! And I hardly every talk politics or religion, but can I just say that I have a really hard time believing that any BABY is born with any ounce of sin at all? There is nothing more pure or innocent. Anyhow. That is just my humble, uneducated opinion. I am, however, completely stoked for him to wear one of the super cute outfits I bought him. *smile* *pictures to come*

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