Monday, January 17, 2011


It's never been my intention to have this blog in order to vent. But, sometimes you need to vent. Especially us girls. We need to vent, a lot. It has something to do with us being from Pluto and men are from Earth or something. But, I also could never allow myself to write something so public that would negatively affect someone so directly. Therefore, I can not properly vent. So I will just say, that I think it's BS that even as adults the drama doesn't end. In fact it only gets worse. There should be a class in high school that teaches you all about this. Like how to deal with it without turning into a 2 year old brat throwing a temper tantrum because someone hurt your feeling. Well, my feeling has been hurt. But I'm not the only person in the world with this problem, So I'm trying to mentally push passed it. Trying to focus on what matters. Like me being a mommy and a wife. I love my husband and my baby and it's important for me to not let other people effect me to the point of questioning myself. After all, I cannot control other peoples perceptions of me, but only my reaction and presentation. That is so much easier said than done.

On a good note, Branson is finally walking. Holy cow I thought this day would never come! He has had the ability and skills to walk for months now, but has finally decided that maybe he will actually do it once in a while! In the last 2 days he has gone from refusing to take 1 step, to walking everywhere (within 15 steps or so). I know what comes next and I'm fearing it....running. Dear Lord grant me the ability to keep up with the adorable monster on wheels!

Branson has also decided Elmo is the greatest thing ever. Anything furry and red is "ELMO!!!!!" and my mom whom we call "momo" has lovingly become "Melmo". Cuteness!


  1. Hey Dani I can relate!! I wanted to ask you are you still dancing ever??? I want to dance again soooo bad! Hopefully someday soon...

  2. Hi Danae! I'm not dancing...I wish everyday that I were though. I'd like to take a bootcamp class at Gina's, but I'm afraid I might die.
