Monday, October 11, 2010

Sleep? Yes Please!

This morning all I can find myself thinking is, "what the hell is wrong with me?".

Last night we went to dinner for Ryan's birthday. Yay 32! Even more yay for it being on 10/10/10. He was stoked. We went to Sushi. I dressed up, we ate a ton in a really short amount of time. We came home to an already sleeping baby (he went to bed at 6:30? Nice! I think...)so we ate our ice cream with Momo, dove even deeper into our (my) sushi coma, she left, we watched Dexter and by 9:30 Ryan was passed out and I couldn't even read a chapter in my book. LIGHTS OUT! Becasue I've been sleep deprived for litterally forever, I was so ready to get a good night in. So, naturally, I didn't. I tossed and turned. Everytime Branson or the animals moved, I was up ready to go, thinking it was 6 am. Then at 2:30, I was just up. I paced. I nursed B. He was up too. When I put him back in his crib he played for 20 minutes before deciding that since his sleepy-by friend turned it's music off, he better go to bed. Then I paced more. I checked facebook and twitter. Then I read the news on my phone. Then I tossed and turned some more, drifting in and out of shushyby land (can you tell all I do is watch Baby First TV?) until B got up at 7. Now, I sit here, begging him to go down for a nap so I can too. I didn't even make myself a cup of decaf in fear of it keeping me from that glorious nap that is in the near future. I can hear Ryan in the shower. I'm praying he is done in the room by the time I go in there. Otherwise, there will be no nap. Branson is wide eyed and bushy tailed. Greeeeeat. So excuse me while I go beg him so more. I can't even spell his name properly with out spell check pointing it out.

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